
Create a table based on a query result, including all columns returned by the query.


CALL HG_CREATE_TABLE_LIKE ( table_name, query_sql [, partition_clause] )


table_name: The name of the new table which could belongs to some schema. The names can contain only alphanumeric characters or an underscore(_). The first character must be an alphabetic character. All alphabetic characters are treated as lower case because the table name is case insensitive.

query_sql : The sql query.

partition_clause : The clause which is used to create a partitioned table.


CALL HG_CREATE_TABLE_LIKE ( 'my_table', 'select a, b from only_for_test' ); // Create a regular table

CALL HG_CREATE_TABLE_LIKE ( 'my_table', 'select a, b from only_for_test', 'partition by list (a)' );//Create an partitioned table