
GET_JSON_OBJECT:Extracts an JSON object from a JSON string.

GET_JSON_OBJECT is provided by hive_compatible extension. To use it, it required to create the hive_compatible extension.


create extension hive_compatible;
select get_json_object ( json_string, path )


json_string:An valid JSON text.

path:A JSON path that specified the object to extract. The dollar sign ($) represents a JSON variable. The dot operator(.) and the square brackets are used to access a member or an array element. NULL is returned if the json_string is invalid.


create extension hive_compatible;
data =
	 "fruit":[{"weight":8,"type":"apple"}, {"weight":9,"type":"pear"}],

select get_json_object(data, '$.owner') from test;
Result: amy

select get_json_object(data, '$.name.bicycle.price') from test;
Result: 19.95

select get_json_object(data, '$.store.fruit[0]') from test;
Result: {"weight":8, "type":"apple"}